Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Types of Personal Protective Equipment Often Worn by Firefighters

Having the job of a firefighter requires specific equipment, protective gear and other accessories. It is perhaps one of the most dangerous jobs available. Many accidents and injuries occur on a yearly basis. Even with the appropriate personal protective equipment, firefighters are subject to physical harm. Proper usage of PPE helps reduce the chances of serious injury. Here are some types of personal protective equipment often work by firefighters.

The cairns helmets are a very important part of protection. One of the most commonly used helmets is the 1010 defender fighting helmet. These helmets are designed to protect firefighters from injuries related to debris that can fall when they are inside buildings during a fire. It is composed of fiberglass which is one of the best materials known that can provide added protection when in a facing a dangerous situation.

Eye protection is also a necessary piece of PPE worn by firefighters. The eye protection in addition to the cairns helmets will help keep someones eyes from being damaged during a fire. These glasses reduce light transmission and many of them have padding across the bridge area to keep them from causing skin irritation along the nose. This accessory is a "must have" for anyone who has the daunting job of fighting fires.

A Nomex firefighting hood is another type of protective head gear which can be purchased from Kaza Fire. The flame resistant properties of this particular accessory are what makes it necessary for firefighters. These hoods are used in situations where an active fire is going and fire extinguisher Johnstown the fighters have to be right in the center of the action. This helps keep the wearer from becoming injured during times they have to be close to the open flames.

Fire retardant gloves are also a necessary part of PPE for firefighters. While these individuals wear all of the above at times, they must also be able to protect their hands. The full fire retardant apparel they wear helps protect their body. The hands must also be protected as they are constantly using them in their efforts to put out fires. The fire armor gloves are a necessary part of fully protecting oneself.

A full line of protective gear, apparel and equipment is available at www.kazafire.com. That is one of the top resources for fire fighting gear. Those at risk in their jobs will certainly need to consider each type of PPE they will need. Inadequate protection is responsible for approximately 86% of injuries and fire related deaths. The more information you have about the equipment the more able you will be to properly protect yourself.